Integrated management of plastic assortment and Contribution towards green economy (IMPACT-GE)
The Integrated Management of Plastic Assortment & Contribution Towards Green Economy (IMPACT-GE) project is a collaborative effort between the public and private sectors to address this challenge. The project aimed to develop an efficient waste management system to reduce local air, water and land pollution, and promote waste prevention and resource efficiency. It is an ambitious undertaking that is set to have a positive and lasting impact on our environment.
The ACE organization, in partnership with the Integrated Management of Plastic Assortment & Contribution Towards Green Economy project, is working to tackle this issue head-on by focusing on plastic recycling and green skills. This project seeks to create a better environment for human living and reduce the negative effects of plastic waste on our planet.
Plastic pollution is a major environmental challenge that affects us all. In an effort to combat this problem, the National Action Plan for Sustainable Plastic Management focuses on the circular use of plastic, based on a 3R strategy: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. This ambitious project seeks to create value chains for plastic recycling, green skills, and innovative products while addressing social and environmental challenges.
It is clear that no one single solution is enough; rather, a multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral approach is needed to address the entire value chain of plastics, from design and reduced use to waste management, reuse, repair, and recycling. The global environment is also facing a critical challenge due to the growing levels of plastic waste, and the need to find new solutions is becoming increasingly urgent.
Through efforts, ACE and the project team hope to make a positive contribution to our future.