
Insights from an emch workshop:learnings from a recent conference

Type 2 diabetes is a serious health issue that affects millions of people around the world. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Bangladesh has the 8th highest number of adults with diabetes in 2021. As the number of diabetes cases continues to rise, it is essential to develop interventions that can help reduce the health risks associated with the disease. Recently, a workshop was held that focused on “Diabetes and Smoking Cessation (DISC).” In this workshop professionals discussed the need for a randomized control trial (RCT) to assess the long-term effects of a tobacco harm reduction product (ONPs-oral nicotine pouches) on smoking cessation and health outcomes among Type 2 diabetes patients who smoke cigarettes or bidisand also discussed the purpose of a workshop that disseminates this clinical prospective RCT design for smokers with Type 2 diabetes who want help to quit smoking. We’ll dive into the details of the workshop in this post, so let’s get started!

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