Climate Change Consultant

About Me:

Education & Training

Muhammad Arifur Rahman is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at Patuakhali Science and Technology University in Bangladesh. He is a climate change specialist and works as a Consultant (Climate Change) at Association for Community Empowerment (ACE). 

He is an expert in GIS technologies, R programming, data analysis, and visualization techniques. His current research focuses on the health security of migrants affected by climate change in Bangladesh’s eastern coastline region as well as the occupational health risk of working women. Mr. Rahman constantly seeks out fresh research topics and undertakes related difficulties. 

His goal is to close the information gap between people. The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), and the Ministry of Planning have all supported various research and development initiatives that concentrate on human resource development. youth awareness raising, climate-related public health issues, and environmental sustainability, Mr. Rahman is skilled at conducting mixed method research. Rahman has dedicated his life to creating a more informed and aware community.

He holds a BSc and Master’s degree in Geography and Environmental Studies from the University of Chittagong.



Parveen S. Huda is the president of the Association for Community Empowerment (ACE), a proclaimed Bangladeshi expert with over 27 years of experience as a professional and consultant in Human Resources Management and Development, Project Management, Entrepreneurship Development, and Skills and Employment domains with prominent enterprises.

Parveen has also been teaching at several private universities since 2000. For the DFID and SDC project known as the Skills and Employment Programme – Bangladesh (Sudokkho), she worked as the deputy policy advisor. She also served as the Country Manager, in Bangladesh, for the Business Innovation Facility, a UKAID-funded project run by Price Water house Coopers UK.